Line Breaks and Paragraphs

Getting Started

Let's start with the most basic formatting - creating lines and paragraphs.

  • Press the Enter key once to create a new line.
  • Press the Enter key twice to create a new paragraph.

The Comparison

What you type:

What you see:

HTML Tips and Tricks - HTML Line Break

You can create a line break with an HTML <br> tag.

I use the <br> tag when Markdown line breaks don't work the way I expect them to. This is not a common occurence, but it does happen occasionally.

The <br> tag inserts a single line break and is supported by most modern web browsers. The <br> tag does not require an end tag like most other HTML tags.

Practice Makes Perfect

Now it's your turn to practice what you have learned.

  1. Open your favorite Steem user interface (, SteemPeak, tribe condenser, etc.)
  2. Click the "Create A Post" icon.
  3. Copy and paste the text below into your favorite user interface. Follow the instructions in the text to create a new line and a new paragraph

    This is the first line of text. Click enter twice so that this line become a new paragraph. Click enter once so that this line becomes a new line.
  4. Copy and paste the text below into your favorite user interface. Watch how the <br> tag creates line breaks.

    This is the first line of text. <br> This is the second line of text on a new line. <br><br>Because two break line tags were used, there will be a blank space between this line and the previous lines.

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